Case Study : 1

Precision Vegetable Farming in a 5-Acre Open Farm in Chinnamangalaram


A 5-acre open farming plot in Chinnamangalaram was known for growing a variety of vegetables. The farmer faced challenges due to irregular rainfall and manual irrigation management.

Solution: Crop Minder Baseline DIY Kit for 5 Acres

The farmer implemented the Crop Minder Baseline DIY Kit, including LoRa connectivity, on the 2-acre open farming plot.

Drip irrigation lines were integrated into the system for efficient water distribution.


The DIY kit was installed with ease, and Soil Minder and Weather Minder sensors were placed in strategic locations.

The system was set to “Schedule-Based Irrigation” for most crops but used “Sensor-Based Irrigation” for sensitive varieties.


Improved Crop Yield: Crop Minder Baseline significantly improved crop yield for various vegetables. Tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, and others saw a yield increase of 50% or more.

Water Efficiency: Water consumption was reduced by 50% or more due to precise drip irrigation and sensor-based irrigation scheduling.

Time Savings: Automated scheduling and remote monitoring saved the farmer valuable time, enabling better management of the farm.

Key Findings:

The study finds that precision agriculture has the potential to further improve fertilizer placement efficiency by an additional 14%.

This case study highlights the successful implementation of the “Crop Minder Baseline” system in a 5-acre open farming plot, showcasing how precision agriculture not only significantly increases crop yield and water efficiency but also has the potential to further enhance fertilizer placement efficiency with broader adoption.

This table compares the traditional fertilizer usage (in pounds per acre) with the fertilizer usage when employing the “Crop Minder Baseline” system for various vegetables in a 5-acre open farming plot. It demonstrates the percentage of fertilizer savings achieved with the precision agriculture system.

Table: Fertilizer Comparison, Improved Crop Yield, Water Consumption Benefits – Traditional vs. Crop Minder Baseline with Drip Line

Vegetable Type

Traditional Fertilizer Usage (lbs/acre)

Crop Minder Baseline Fertilizer Usage (lbs/acre)

Fertilizer Savings

Traditional Yield (kg/acre)

Crop Minder Baseline Yield (kg/acre)

Expected Yield Increase

Traditional Water Consumption (gallons/acre)

Crop Minder Baseline with Drip Line Water Consumption (gallons/acre)

Water Savings







50% increase










57% increase










50% increase










67% increase




Case Study : 2

Crop Minder is a precision agriculture technology that can help farmers monitor and manage their crops more efficiently. It typically involves the use of various sensors, data analytics, and often remote sensing technology to provide valuable information to farmers. Here’s how such a system might be applied in a 7.2-acre farm like Kapraipally:

Installation of Sensors: Crop Minder would involve installing various sensors in the field. These sensors can monitor soil moisture, temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors. Additionally, remote sensing technologies like drones or satellite imagery can be used to capture aerial data about the crops.

Data Collection: The sensors continuously collect data, providing real-time information about the farm’s conditions. This data is sent to a central system for processing and analysis.

Data Analysis: The collected data is analyzed to provide insights into the crop’s health, growth, and potential issues. Algorithms can detect early signs of diseases, pests, or stress in the plants.

Alerts and Recommendations: When any anomalies or issues are detected, the system can send alerts to the farmer or farm manager. These alerts can include recommendations on when and where to irrigate, when to apply fertilizers, or when to take pest control measures.

Water Management: Crop Minder can help optimize water usage by ensuring that irrigation is applied when and where it’s needed. This not only conserves water but also promotes healthier crop growth.

Yield Prediction: Over time, the system can provide yield predictions based on the gathered data. This can help with crop planning and decision-making related to harvest and sales.

Historical Data: Crop Minder can store historical data, allowing farmers to track trends over multiple growing seasons. This data can be invaluable for long-term planning and improving farm management practices.

The specific case study for Kapraipally would need to consider the unique conditions, crops, and goals of that particular farm. It would assess how the implementation of Crop Minder’s baseline technology impacted crop yields, resource utilization, and overall farm profitability.

For detailed information about the specific case study you mentioned, you would need to refer to published reports, research papers, or official documentation from the organization or researchers conducting the study.

Creating multiple zones for growing mango, pomegranate, sweet lime, chili, and guava on a 7.2-acre farm like Kapraipally requires careful planning and efficient land use. Here’s how you could set up these multiple zones:

Mango Orchard Zone (Approximately 2 acres):

Mango trees require ample space and sunlight. Dedicate a sizable portion of the land to a mango orchard.

Plant mango trees at appropriate spacing to ensure good airflow and reduce the risk of diseases.

Implement a drip irrigation system to efficiently water the mango orchard and conserve water.

Use mulch to retain soil moisture and suppress weeds around the mango trees.

Pomegranate Grove Zone (Approximately 1 acre):

Pomegranate trees can be planted in a separate zone. They don’t require as much space as mango trees.

Plant pomegranate trees in rows with sufficient spacing and provide adequate irrigation.

Implement a suitable trellis system to support the growth of pomegranate bushes if desired.

Sweet Lime and Chili Zone (Approximately 2 acres):

Sweet lime and chili can be grown in the same zone as they have similar water and sunlight requirements.

Interplant sweet lime trees with chili plants to maximize land use.

Implement a drip irrigation system to meet the water needs of both sweet lime and chili plants.

Guava Zone (Approximately 1.2 acres):

Guava trees can be allocated a dedicated zone with well-drained soil.

Plant guava trees at appropriate spacing and use mulch to retain soil moisture.

Implement a suitable irrigation system for guava cultivation.

Common Infrastructure:

Install weather stations and soil moisture sensors throughout the farm to gather real-time data for precision agriculture.

Set up a central monitoring system (like Crop Minder) to track environmental conditions and crop health in each zone.

Implement efficient water management practices and use rainwater harvesting systems to capture and store rainwater for irrigation purposes.

Consider integrated pest management techniques to control pests and diseases in an environmentally friendly manner.

Crop Rotation and Maintenance:

Plan for crop rotation to prevent soil depletion and pest buildup. For example, rotate chili and sweet lime with legumes or other non-related crops.

Regularly prune and maintain the fruit trees to ensure healthy growth and fruit production.

Apply appropriate fertilizers based on soil tests and crop requirements.

Harvest and Post-Harvest Management:

Implement a structured harvesting schedule to ensure timely picking of fruits at their peak ripeness.

Set up a post-harvest processing and storage area for sorting, packing, and storing the harvested fruits.

Use proper packaging and storage techniques to extend the shelf life of the fruits and minimize post-harvest losses.

Each zone’s size may vary based on factors like soil quality, climate, and market demand. It’s essential to adapt the plan as needed to optimize crop growth, resource utilization, and farm profitability. Additionally, continuous monitoring and data analysis through technologies like Crop Minder can help in making data-driven decisions for each zone and improving overall farm management.



Crop Minder Baseline DIY Kit

Traditional Farming Method

Crop Varieties

Mango, Pomegranate, Sweet Lime, Chili, Guava

Mango, Pomegranate, Sweet Lime, Chili, Guava

Land Area

7.2 acres

7.2 acres


Multiple zones for each crop with optimized spacing

Single mixed cropping with standard spacing


Drip irrigation system, automated based on real-time data

Manual irrigation, periodic and based on experience

Soil Moisture Management

Data-driven irrigation to maintain optimal moisture levels

Subjective assessment and less precise irrigation

Pest and Disease Management

Early detection and intervention based on real-time monitoring

Reactive approach, visual inspection for signs of pests and diseases

Fertilizer Application

Data-driven, based on soil tests and crop requirements

Standard or experiential fertilization

Weather Monitoring

Weather stations and real-time data for microclimate adjustments

Limited or no weather monitoring

Yield Prediction

Data-driven predictions based on historical data

Less accurate yield predictions

Resource Efficiency

Optimal resource utilization (water, fertilizers)

Potential resource wastage

Harvest Timing

Data-driven harvesting schedule

Manual estimation of harvest timing

Post-Harvest Management

Improved quality and shelf life

Standard post-harvest practices

Labor Requirements

May require fewer labor hours due to automation

Standard labor requirements

Overall Profitability

Potential for increased profits due to optimized resource use

Profitability may be subject to variations and risks

Environmental Impact

Reduced environmental impact through efficient resource use

May have a higher environmental footprint due to less precision

1.Precise Water Application: Drip irrigation delivers water directly to the plant roots, minimizing water wastage. This precision ensures that water is provided where it’s needed most, reducing evaporation and runoff.

2.Efficient Water Distribution: Drip lines can be designed to match the specific water requirements of different crops. This targeted approach optimizes water distribution, promoting healthy plant growth without excess watering.

3.Reduced Water Loss: Unlike traditional surface irrigation methods, such as sprinklers or furrow irrigation, drip lines minimize water loss due to wind, evaporation, or overspray. This reduces the overall water consumption.

4.Automation and Control: Crop Minder Baseline, when integrated with a drip irrigation system, enables automation and real-time monitoring. The system can adjust water application based on weather conditions, soil moisture, and crop needs. This responsive approach minimizes overwatering and underwatering.

5.Water Conservation: By providing the right amount of water at the right time, drip irrigation with Crop Minder helps conserve water resources, which is especially crucial in regions with water scarcity or drought conditions.

6.Salinity Management: Drip irrigation can help manage soil salinity by ensuring that salts are not drawn to the surface. This helps maintain soil health and crop productivity with less water.

7.Improved Crop Yield: Efficient water use with drip irrigation and data-driven insights from Crop Minder can lead to improved crop yields. Healthy plants with consistent access to the right amount of water tend to produce better-quality fruits and vegetables.

8.Reduced Environmental Impact: By reducing water wastage and runoff, the use of drip irrigation with Crop Minder contributes to a lower environmental footprint in terms of water usage.

9.Cost Savings: While the initial setup of a drip irrigation system may require an investment, the long-term savings in water and energy costs can outweigh the initial expenses. Efficient water use leads to reduced operational costs.

10.Sustainability: The combination of Crop Minder and drip irrigation aligns with sustainable farming practices by conserving water, reducing environmental impact, and promoting responsible resource management.

Fertilizer Requirement Comparison with Percentage Difference:

Crop Zone

Crop Minder Baseline DIY Kit (Fertilizer Requirement) – Quantity

Traditional Farming Method (Fertilizer Requirement) – Quantity

Percentage Difference

Mango Orchard Zone

Data-driven fertilization based on soil tests and crop requirements. Precision in nutrient application (e.g., 200-250 kg/acre of NPK).

Standard or experiential fertilization with potentially less precision (e.g., 150-300 kg/acre of NPK).

Up to ±40% less to ±50% more

Pomegranate Grove Zone

Data-driven fertilization based on soil tests and crop requirements. Efficient nutrient management (e.g., 180-220 kg/acre of NPK).

Standard or experiential fertilization with potentially less precision (e.g., 150-280 kg/acre of NPK).

Up to ±29% less to ±47% more

Sweet Lime and Chili Zone

Data-driven fertilization based on soil tests and crop requirements. Accurate nutrient application (e.g., 160-200 kg/acre of NPK).

Standard or experiential fertilization with potentially less precision (e.g., 140-250 kg/acre of NPK).

Up to ±25% less to ±79% more

Guava Zone

Data-driven fertilization based on soil and crop requirements. Optimal nutrient use (e.g., 170-210 kg/acre of NPK).

Standard or experiential fertilization with potentially less precision (e.g., 160-270 kg/acre of NPK).

Up to ±29% less to ±59% more

Total Fertilizer Requirement

Precision fertilizer application based on data and crop needs. Total quantities optimized for each crop zone.

Fertilizer usage may be less precise with traditional farming methods. Quantities can vary widely depending on practices.

Varies by zone and practices

Improved Crop Yield with Crop Minder Baseline on Open Farm:

Crop Zone

Expected Crop Yield Improvement with Crop Minder Baseline

Expected Crop Yield Improvement 

without Crop Minder Baseline

Mango Orchard Zone

Enhanced yield due to optimized irrigation, nutrient management, and pest/disease control. Potential increase of up to 20-30%.

Yield improvement may be less due to manual practices. Potential increase of up to 10-20%.

Pomegranate Grove Zone

Improved yield through data-driven irrigation and efficient nutrient management. Potential increase of up to 15-25%.

Yield improvement may be less due to manual practices. Potential increase of up to 10-20%.

Sweet Lime and Chili Zone

Better yield with precise irrigation and nutrient application. Potential increase of up to 15-20%.

Yield improvement may be less due to manual practices. Potential increase of up to 10-15%.

Guava Zone

Increased yield with data-driven irrigation and optimal nutrient use. Potential increase of up to 20-30%.

Yield improvement may be less due to manual practices. Potential increase of up to 15-25%.

Total Crop Yield Improvement

Overall yield improvement in each zone, with the combined impact of Crop Minder Baseline.

Yield improvement in each zone may vary, potentially lower without data-driven practices.

